Application Process

Important Guidelines
For All Longshoremen
You Will Need:
- Valid Social Security card
- Valid TWIC card issued by the TSA
- Valid state or federally-issued ID
Bring the above required documents to one of the two

Automated Hiring System

The PMTA maintains an Automated Hiring System that gives employers and laborers computer access to the daily hires. Orders are placed on the automated system on a daily basis for the next day’s work orders. The day of the work, the dispatchers at the hiring centers open the work orders and fill them out. Members of the PMTA are given access to the system by the PMTA.
It is the eventual goal of this system to have a completely telephonic hiring system so employees will know their job assignments the night before and would no longer be required to make themselves available in person for daily hires.
To hear “next day” anticipated work orders for each location, call the following numbers after 4 pm:
Philadelphia & New Jersey
Wilmington, Delaware

TWIC Information

To work on a dock, you must obtain a TWIC (Transportation Worker Identification Credential) certification card.
A TWIC card, administered by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), can be obtained by scheduling an appointment with a UES Enrollment Center or Hiring Center.
Residents of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware can apply or reapply for a TWIC card at the following locations:
- Philadelphia, PA
The Jefferson Building
1015 Chestnut Street, Suite 307
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Tuesday-Thursday 9 am-12 pm, 1 pm-3:30 pm*
- Cherry Hill, NJ
Colwick Business Center
57 Haddonfield Road, Suite 110
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Monday-Friday 9 am-12 pm, 1 pm-5:30 pm*
- Woodbury, NJ
Lakeside Professional Campus
190 N Evergreen Avenue, Suite 101
Woodbury, NJ 08096
Monday-Friday 9 am-12 pm, 1 pm-5:30 pm*
- New Castle, DE
710 Wilmington Road
New Castle, DE 19720
Monday-Friday 9 am-12 pm, 12:30 pm-5 pm*
*subject to change
For more information about pre-enrollment, making an enrollment center appointment, and FAQs: